Binding affirmations fire prescriptions

Fire service requires a declaration from each exhibitor. Before the show can open it will perform an inspection to ensure that all regulations are complied with.
Polystyrene, straw and paper for decoration purposes is prohibited.
You confirm that their stand will be built in accordance with fire the Scriptures. Furthermore, we confirm that its own suppliers and decorators will follow these rules.

The fire Fonts

Below cited the points in fire service provisions relating to stands, pavilions and decorations in the exhibition:

  • Inflammable temporary furnishing, decorations and carpets must be fireproofed.
  • Flammable and dangerous materials must not be stored or used on the premises without special permits.
  • Spontaneously flammable waste must be stored only in places approved by the organizer.
  • Smoking and use of fire on the premises is prohibited.

Fabrics stretched directly on the walls must be impregnated with an approved fire resistant textile. Use of straw, Styrofoam, paper, cardboard, sacking or other inflammable material in dekorasjn not permitted without the organizer’s special permission.
If in doubt about the interpretation of these regulations, one must – not to risk that the fire will demand the removal – must direct inquiry to the organizer.


It is not permitted to store gasoline in the exhibition area. Gasoline cars must have either full or empty tank. Exhibitors must specifically notify the organizer if cars, motoersykler ol on the stand.

Gas / gas bottles

Is not permitted to store / use propane / containers or other flammable gases in the exhibition area during the exhibition. Want to use / sell gas contact with the hall’s security chief for approval.


Is not permitted to attach or hang equipment of any kind in sprinkleanlegget.

Emergency exits

Are not allowed to block emergency exits

Escape routes

Are not allowed to block escape routes. In escape routes are not allowed to hang up posters and the like that can prevent people from seeing emergency exit sign or that the fire may fall.

Fire stations

Fire stations shall be readily accessible and visible. It is not allowed to cover or block these records. Fire stations can be fire hoses, Fire extinguishers or fire alarms.


Is not permitted to smoke in the exhibition halls. As well as build-up in the exhibition is the fire load in the exhibition halls, and the use of fire in any form is prohibited.

Heat labor

Work must not begin until written authorization is given by the organizer. Welding sparks can ignite 10 meters and even cold sparks can have a temperature of over 500 degrees C.